Delicious Dolls Magazine is making a big impression on the pinup scene at the moment and, soon after featuring on the cover of their Christmas edition, the Delicious Dolls team asked if I would write a monthly feature for them. To say I was over the moon is an understatement!
Starting in January, I thought, what better way to launch my column than to write about my greatest asset – my booty?
Having a big booty appears to be all the rage at the moment. So I thought an article that looked at why 2016 is all about a hot booty would appeal to both guys and dolls. Naturally, the column also featured my favourite derriere images!

Behind Every Great Woman is a Delicious Derrière
It wasn’t so very long ago that when a woman asked her man, “Does my bum look big in this?” the only acceptable answer was a confident “No! Of course it doesn’t, it’s so small and cute I could put it in my pocket!”
My, how things have changed! These days, everyone’s getting behind the bigger butt like there’s no tomorrow. Bottoms are definitely where it’s at and of course, the trend is a treat for both men and women equally.
It truly is a glorious time to be alive if you’re an ass man because women are nurturing that part of their figure more than ever and for us girls, it’s a liberating thing to know that if your ass sticks out, if it wiggles when you walk…well that’s all good!
Popular culture has waved goodbye to the tiny tushie to such an extent that women of the curvier persuasion now feel comfortable to dress in outfits which in the past they might never have tried.
In part this is thanks to a growing trend for curvy models, but also due to the fact that some of our most popular curvaceous pop stars and fashionistas are parading their patooties like their lives depended on it.
From Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez who were arguably the first of this era to unashamedly use their rumps to cause a rumpus; to Kim Kardashian, Iggy Azalea and Nicky Minaj who’ve all shaken their substantial tail-feathers in the face of the barely-there buns of the past, we’ve got an entire team of curvaceous cabooses to look up to…or indeed to look at!
I have to say that personally, all of this bottom worship is something I’m very happy to see because I spent the first part of my life as an adult trying to come to terms with the size of my butt and it wasn’t something that happened overnight!
I had to learn to deal with the fallout from the fact that my rear end was such a force to be reckoned with, that it was almost an entity in its own right. It was a shock at first, to realise that no matter what sort of clothing I wore, my outfits somehow managed to highlight my ass.
It didn’t matter what I wore; sweat pants or jeans, dresses or leggings, it was always there, perkily present and willing all eyes to drift in its direction.
I used to work in an office before I became a full-time pinup and it really got me into bother there. An ordinary pencil skirt took on new dimensions with my curvy bottom squeezed into it, because rather than looking professional and smart, it looked instantly sexual!
Nothing’s changed for me, it doesn’t matter what I wear or what I do, it’s always there shouting “Hello boys!” Yes, it wiggles when I walk, it sticks out when I bend over and these days, that’s nothing to get bummed about because it’s a look people like!
I began to accept the fact that my bottom is one of my best features when I realised that the attention I was receiving was largely positive; having said that, I do still get a few unwanted admirers from time to time and it’s always surprising when people stop me in the street to speak about it and the reactions I’ve had could almost be compared to someone whose had extreme breast enlargement when in fact my rear is entirely natural.
Because of this, I do try to wear longer, looser clothing to keep it under wraps when I don’t want too much attention!
What I do love though is the fact that my female fans often send me flattering messages and ask me for tips on how to boost their own booty. I always tell them that I love to dance and that this has probably contributed to the bounce in my behind!
I’m working on more ways to share my workout tips with my fans as my most fashionable asset has definitely been a big (curvy!) plus when it came to getting my career as a pinup model off the ground and I’d like to be able to give other women a helping hand if I can.
So girls, drop that skinny latte and get squatting!
And guys; if your girl asks “Does my bum look big in this?” remember that the only correct answer is, “Hell yeah it does!”
Photographer credit: Chrissy Sparks of DOLLHOUSE